We are excited to share the new AS-IS Brand Wood Wall Sample Packs now available on mod-ified.com. AS-IS Brand Wood Wall is a wall product that is perfectly curated to look just like reclaimed wood. The perk is getting the look of rustic, reclaimed barn wood without any of the negatives: toxic chemicals, debris, insects. 

The new sample pack now contains 3 pieces instead of just one so you can truly see the variety between the boards and just how great this wood wall product is. The pieces are 8" wide by 5" tall. The AS-IS Brand Wood Wall sample packs are available in each of the 6 color collections and a variety pack of all colors is also available. What are you waiting for? It's time to knock on our wood!

Why AS-IS Brand?


The new sample pack now contains 3 pieces instead of just one so you can truly see the variety between the boards and just how great this wood wall product is.


The AS-IS Brand Wood Wall sample packs are available in each of the 6 color collections and a variety pack of all colors is also available.


Samples are cut from real full boards. This allows you to see all of the rich details, character, and color of the reclaimed wood walls.

Wall Flats feature walls

Looking to add a show stopping feature to your home? Look no further than DIY Wall Flats, 3-dimensional wall tiles that simply glue to your wall. Measuring 18" x 18," these tiles are easy to install and once they are up on your wall they can be painted. Perfect for the wall behind your TV, a basement rec room or your master bedroom.

Visit mod-ified.com to view all 8 styles of Wall Flats.